Monday, July 18, 2011

Day 3 of our holiday

Well, today started well, weather wise, but the decision was made to stay at Limehouse marina for another day so that we could do some jobs on the boat before we set sail and meet with the American cousins again. We spent the afternoon around central London. Needless to say this was not the most enjoyable time. The company was good but the frantic pace of London was very difficult to deal with and needless to say I just wanted to be in my bed!! The weather held off till late afternoon and Stan and Hannah enjoyed themselves immensely entertaining everyone and showing them around London. You wouldn't have thought we had been living away for 15 years!!
Tomorrow we shall aim to go with the tide in the after noon where we shall sail to Queensborough and moor on a swinging mooring till 4 am the following morning then sail the last part to Dover marina, we hope to be there on Wednesday morning all things going well!

I feel I should say something of my research at this point as well. I have managed to gain a place at Royal Holloway and am hoping to start there for the new semester, all things going well! But first I must resolve my issues with the department at Brookes and then have an operation in September of which I shall get to luxuriate in bed for 8 weeks. Something I am not looking forward to. Mind you I shall have plenty of time to write this blog and read.So far though things have gone well this year with my research, though I have not done much archive work. Mostly I have done conferences 3 in the past 6 months and attended a course seeing some worthwhile archives in London. I have been doing plenty of reading on Nursing and have found that the study of the History of Nursing is very difficult!! There are few books written on nursing in the period I am writing on that are not textbooks for nursing. So trying to locate sources is interesting to say the least. Of course there is the Royal College of Nursing to go to but I am trying to understand the period from different points of view and finding that is the difficult bit. Though that is what this studying is for really!! I had my first request for information the other day which I was most impressed with as it means someone thinks I know what I am talking about!!

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