Wednesday, August 3, 2011

July 29th

Morning arrived bright and early having been woken by many day trippers frantically trying to get out of the harbour for a day’s adventure. Following on the slack tide, Bonny rose and Corisande , having made the decision to make a trip to Yarmouth the night previous made preparations to move. With Capt’s Stan and David planning our course though the many obstacles awaiting us, the crew quickly made ready to sail. Getting out of Bembridge harbour was very easy, a lot easier then getting in and what was to come!! After passing the 3 forts that protect the way into Bembridge it became a free for all of every type of boat imaginable! With boats, Ships, cargo holders, ferries, sailing dinghies, etc,  vying for space in the Solent. Both Bonny Rose and Corisande more heavily were pitched to and from for most of the 3 hr trip to Yarmouth, the other side of the Isle of Wight. AT one point we even had had the aircraft carrier, HMS Illustrious following behind us. Both Capt Stan and 1st mate Hannah thought they maybe being boarded for some unknown reason, until Illustrious changed course to sail down farther the Solent leaving us behind..
Having dealt with the excitement of being overlooked by an aircraft carrier, we then had the wash from  the Isle of Wight Hovercraft going to Ryde from Portsmouth and the Ferries going to Yarmouth, where we were aiming for. Everything that could fall down inside did, including me, by which time Seasick Molly and I made the decision to go back to bed where it was safe and leave the more adventurous crew to their excitement.
1st mate Hannah was allowed to keep the helm throughout the journey and sailed us in most of the way into Yarmouth Harbour, where we rafted to Bonny Rose again on Pilings marked out near the Isle of Wight Ferry!! An interesting night this will be! We spent most of the afternoon watching the ferry toeing and frowing and the harbour masters guiding boats into the harbour. Yarmouth is a very energetic place full of interesting sailors and a few motor cruisers. In fact we met someone in Bembridge who said he was excited to see a Broom 30 having made its way this far!!

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