Saturday, September 24, 2011

Restart PhD

Well here we go again, after 3 terms as a p/t PhD student, I have now transferred (almost) and had my induction as a 1st year p/t PhD student at RHUL. Now only 6 years to go (hopefully less) The day started out grand and amazingly I did not have any feelings of De Ja Vu! Can you get in the Guinness book of records for how many restarts of a Degree you can do? I shall have to look, though I doubt 2 will be to high on the list.  I can honestly say this time I was made to feel like a PhD student, a collogue and apart of the department, something that rarely happened at the "other place". Don't get me wrong I had collogues there and people I could talk to but rarely did you see the other PhD students other than at seminars and as far as I knew they did not meet up. Unless we saw each other at a conference or bumped into each other in the corridor. But enough of that!
The induction went well and we were all advised of what happens next. I though the graduate book with all the working titles in it was useful and you could see what the others were doing and who their supervisors were, so that you could get in contact if needed. My supervisor is very friendly and had more to say in the time I was with him, in one meeting, then I have had in the past year and half. I feel like I have a process and a path to follow rather than being left to my own devices and floundering in a pool of research that I had no clue what to do with.

I have plenty of ideas and things to add to this thesis or rather what I want to add but without guidance it was all just going to be words and nothing else. Now it feels like I have something concrete.  "A PhD should be fun", he said to me when we finished, I looked a bit sceptically at him.  It is great to see an academic that enjoys his job!!and I am looking forward to working with him and this new department.

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